
Latest news – February 4th 2025
Volunteers wanted – see our Volunteer page

Sid Valley Food Bank
The Sid Valley Food Bank will always help individuals and families who are struggling financially to meet the demands of daily living. We rely on over 50 volunteers to run the service, and on donations from individuals and businesses. If you need help with food, visit our Get Food Help page for information.

Additionally, The Childrens Centre, East Devon District Council, Sid Valley Help, Gateway and many more agencies are available to provide further support. No-one should be without the help needed to get through a crisis, however young or old. Our More Help page has contact details for all these organisations.



Food wanted
Please check our Shopping List regularly – our stock levels can change quickly.

We use donated cash to buy fresh foods such as bread, cheese and milk, as well as fresh vegetables. See our Donate cash page if you prefer to help in this way.

We package food in bags, which are then collected by or delivered to clients. If you can spare any strong shopping bags, please drop them at a donation point or at Primley United Reformed Church.

Thank you for your interest in the Food Bank.

Please look at our Volunteer page
where you will see what we currently need more help with. 


Our Facebook page


Our Facebook page
There is more information about the Food Bank, including pictures and video. You might be able see the page without the need to log in, but log-in is necessary to leave comments, etc. and to use Messenger.